Appended Note 1-1 Impact on Exports by Exchange Rate Fluctuation
- Japanese version
- English version
Export price (in dollars) function and the export quantity function as stated below were estimated for calculation on the impact that exchange rate fluctuations have on exports.
On the basis of the above function estimate results, the exchange rate' s (nominal effective rate) influence on the export price in and after the fourth quarter of 2000 and the export price fluctuation' s influence on export quantity were estimated. These calculations were executed based on 1) the assumption that the 2000 nominal effective exchange rate (at the level of the fourth quarter) had changed since 2001 and 2) the difference between the real exchange rate and the nominal one.
The factors for exchange rate fluctuation after the third quarter of 2002 were also estimated on the assumption that the level (138.8) of the nominal effective exchange rate in July of 2002 remained constant.