Fiscal 2001 Annual Report on Japan's Economy and Public Finance Figures and Tables
- Japanese version
- English version
- 1.Characteristics of latest recovery and deterioration of the economy
- 2.Contribution of IT to phases of economic cycle
- 3.Stock adjustment of capital investment (Manufacturing)
- 4.Reasons why households reduced consumption
- 5.Steady consumption by the aged
- 6.Changes of structural unemployment rates
- 7.Import increase that causes price decline
- 8.Corporate Debts (nominal and real)
- 9.Changes in interest rates on loans
- 10.Changes of non-performing loans
- 11.Changes of bank profitability
- 12.Credit costs : planed and actual
- 13.Classification of bankrupt companies before their bankruptcy (year ended in March 2001)
- 14.Retail sales
- 15.Changes of corporate debts
- 16.Banks' lending attitude as seen from corporations
- 17.Bank lending and rate of return of borrowers
- 18.Bankruptcy of financial institutions and business/consumer confidence
- 19.Factors behind productivity decline in the 1990s
- 20.Future potential rate of growth
- 21.Changes of potential growth rate
- 22.Changes of fiscal deficits
- 23.Fiscal deficits and outstanding government debts of various countries
- 24.Structural fiscal balance and cyclical structural balance
- 25.Primary balance of national and local governments
- 26.Prefecture-by-prefecture benefit and cost (per capita)
- 27.Growth rate of benefit and cost (On prefecture basis)
- 28.Characteristics of establishment of social overhead capital stock in the 1990s
- 29.Changes of "benefits and contributions in one year"
- 30.Expansion of medical expenses for the aged
- 31.Lifetime benefits and contribution
- 32.Effective debt obligations of local governments (Municipal bonds, etc.)
- 33.Surplus or deficit of special accounts for local tax allocation, etc. Expanding borrowings outstanding
- 34.National financial subsidies as seen from the time of establishment and the national share of contribution
- 35.Proportion of local taxes in total revenues
- 36.Residents in the municipalities not receiving local tax allocation will increase