Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy2023
17th Meeting (December 21, 2023)
(1)New Economic and Fiscal Revitalization Plan Revision of Reform Timetable
(2)Special session for desirable new stage(Macroeconomic management)

16th Meeting (December 5, 2023)
(1)The Basic Principles of FY2024 Budget Formulation
(2)Social security reform

15th Meeting (November 28, 2023)
(1)The Basic Principles of FY2024 Budget Formulation (draft)
(2)The Integrated Economic and Fiscal Reforms(non-social security)

14th Meeting (November 6, 2023)
(1)Macroeconomic management (intensive discussion on monetary policy and commodity prices, and other issues)
(2)Medium- to long-term important issues

13th Meeting (October 10, 2023)
(1)Macroeconomic management (economic measures)
(2)The Integrated Economic and Fiscal Reforms

12th Meeting (September 26, 2023)
(1)The priority issues of the new Cabinet and the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy
(2)Macroeconomic management (intensive discussion on monetary policy and commodity prices, and other issues)

11th Meeting (July 25, 2023)
(1) The economic and fiscal projections for medium- to long-term analysis
(2) The budget overview
(3) The guidelines for FY2024 budget requests

10th Meeting (July 20, 2023)
(1) The Mid-year Economic Projection
(2) The budget overview

9th Meeting (June 16, 2023)
(1) The draft Grand Design and Action Plan for a New Form of Capitalism 2023 revised, and other issues
(2) The draft Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2023

8th Meeting (June 7, 2023)
The Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform

7th Meeting (May 26, 2023)
(1)The Integrated Economic and Fiscal Reforms(social security), Children, My Number
(2)The draft outline of the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2023

6th Meeting (May 15, 2023)
(1)Macroeconomic management (Intensive discussion on monetary policy, commodity prices, and other issues)
(2)Special Session (Approaches to macroeconomic management)

5th Meeting (April 26, 2023)
(1) Toward economic and fiscal policies that create a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution
(2) The Integrated Economic and Fiscal Reforms (local public administration and finance, education and culture, science and technology and social infrastructure improvement) and National Spatial Plan

4th Meeting (April 18, 2023)
(1) Special Session (Desirable macroeconomic structure and the required role of government)

3rd Meeting (March 30, 2023)
(1) Special Session (Achievement of a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution)

2nd Meeting (January 24, 2023)
(1) Macroeconomic management (intensive discussion on monetary policy and commodity prices)
(2) Trial calculations for the medium- to long-term economy and finances
(3) Toward consideration of future declining birthrate measures

1st Meeting (January 16, 2023)
(1) Special Session (Discussion Issues)