Status of Receipt and Review of Complaints Concerning Government Procurement (provisional translation)

August 2, 1996
Executive Meeting, OGPR

The status of receipt and review of complaints concerning government procurement in the second quarter of 1997 is as follows:

  1. Complaint number
    Case No.1
  2. Date of filing of the complaint
    June 10, 1996
  3. Name of the complainant
  4. Name of the procuring entity
    National Police Agency
  5. Products/services concerning the complaint
    Telecommunications system
  6. Outline of complaint
    The Complainant claimed that the opportunities of the Complainant were restricted mainly because sufficient information was not provided before this procurement.
  7. Outline of the status of complaint reviewing
    Because this case fell under a complaint relating to procurement that the procuring entity considers to be an exception to the coverage of the Agreement, pursuant to Article 23 of the Agreement, the Board decided not to accept it on June 16, based on the provision of 4.(2) of the "Review Procedures for Complaints concerning Government Procurement" (decided by the Office of Government Procurement Review, on December 14, 1995).
  8. Other relevant information
    Concerning this case, a complaint acceptance number was not given because the Board did not accept it.