Appended Note 2-1 Corporate Debts by Type of Industry and by Size

Corporate Debts by Type of Industry and by Size

1. Quarterly Report on Incorporated Enterprises, Ministry of Finance. Large enterprises are those with capital of ¥100 million or more and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are those with capital of less than ¥100 million.

2. Debts = Long- and short-term loans + corporate bonds + balance of bills receivable discount--cash/deposits

3. Value added = Personnel expenses + interest paid + operating profits + depreciation expenses

4. Debts and value added are seasonally adjusted. Value added is on an annualized basis.

5. Excessive debt = Deviation of the "financial debts / values added" ratio in January-March 2001 from the average "financial debts / values added" ratio in 1980~85 multiplied by the values added in January-March 2001.

6. All industries refer to the value of piled-up excessive debts of all sizes of all industries and it different from the value in Figure 2-1-9.

7. Three industries refer to construction, wholesale/retail, and real estate.